Friday, September 9, 2016

Uploading photos and videos from your library to your Instagram story.

Instagram launched a new feature this week called Stories .

When first using Instagram Stories, I couldn’t figure out how to upload picture or videos that I had already taken. After some  minutes, I finally figured it out, and because it’s not that obvious, I thought I should post about it as it may help some INSTAGRAMERS wondering the same thing : how do you put photos or videos from your library on your Instagram story?

Uploading photos and videos from your library to your Instagram story


1) In the Instagram app, tap on the + sign in the upper left corner to add a new story AND it will take you into camera mode. 

2)    But what we want to do to upload photos or videos from our photo library. To do this, simply pull down on the screen, and an image picker will be revealed at the top.

3) From there, simply choose the photo or video you want to upload.


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